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Kellie Bowman Covers October '23 Issue of Grind Pretty Magazine

Kellie Bowman Covers October '23 Issue of Grind Pretty Magazine

In a world awash with wellness gurus and self-proclaimed health experts, Kellie Bowman stands out as a true beacon of wisdom and vitality. The daughter of the legendary Dr. Sebi, Kellie has carved her path as a Celebrity Wellness Coach and the CEO of Sebi's Daughters, a brand that not only pays homage to her father's legacy but also paves the way for a vibrant, colorful, and holistic approach to living well. Kellie's journey is one guided by courage, the essence of her father's teachings. Her mission is to spread the message of wellness and balance, transcending the concept of simply being "not sick." For her, wellness is a dynamic, ever-evolving journey of nurturing the body, mind, and soul, with color playing a vital role. "I'm the CEO of Sebi's Daughters and I created the brand to honor my father's legacy and to make sure that I wanted it to pass on to my children as he passed it on to me," Kellie says.

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